I was invited by
Ruel Sarmiento of Nourish the Children program by NU Skin Enterprises to be the photographer of said activity at Bro. Macantog, Sityo Kutyo in Tanay Rizal, Philippines. This was one photos of the children I took who were given VitaMeal bags to address malnutrition. The experience was heartfelt and it opened my eyes that even in our own areas there are a lot of children who are suffering from malnutrition that most of us refuse to see and just ignore that fact. I am glad that I was able to help and I am hoping that through my photos I will create awareness of malnutrition and that we should do something about it. My photos clearly shows that these children are so enthusiastic and very happy despite their present situation. They easily welcome people who would like to help them. Next month, our team will be back to give more food and I hope I can bring some donations from people who would like to make a difference.
If you'd like to help and donate just try to contact me or
Ruel to know where you could bring your donations. We are also planning to have an exhibit of the photos taken during our visit to create more awareness of the "Nourish The Children" program and we might sell copies of the photos and the proceeds will go the the said program. We are open to suggestions and tips on how to spread this program. Next month the team will be back to Bro. Macantog, Sityo Kutyo in Tanay Rizal to deliver more food and some donations that we will gather from you guys.
Hope a lot of you guys will respond. Tips and suggestions and of course donations are highly appreciated.
The team who went there last February 17, 2008 were Don Mebrano, Ruel Sarmiento, Pastor Jolly and sister Rose of Church of God the Living Stone, and I.