Last Friday (January 11, 2008) I bought my very first camera and its a DSLR - Nikon d40. I bought for a very good price at Henry's Camera Photo Supply at the back of SM Carriedo. The Nikon d40 kit includes a 18-55 mm VR lens, a camera bag, a 2GB SD card, and a 1 year warranty. I tried it on their shop for a while and I really like it. It's not heavy at all and the photos I took was enough to satisfy me. They also have the Nikon d40x kit too but I don't need the extra 4 megapix so I decided that extra money will definitely go to another lens - the 55-200mm. The lense is a bit expensive so I thought that I should try the other stores nearby and finally I bought the 55-200mm at Watson Photo Shop for a really good price. After buying my camera and some accessories I went home and tried for hours until the battery was completely drained. I am so happy with my Nikon d40.
The following day I went back to Hidalgo to buy some accessories. I decided to check all the stores and how much those accessories will cost me. That day I bought a tripod and two 52mm UV filters for my lenses at Henry's, Watson offers a cheaper price but all 52mm UV filters were already out of stock. Then I bought extra battery at Watsons and finally two 2GB SD card at Mayer's. I ran out of money so I was not able to buy a flash. I am thinking of buying either the SB-400 or the SB-600 but I am undecided yet which to buy. After the purchase I went to CD-R King to buy CD-RW's for storage.
Below are my sample shots. I know it's not much because I am a complete newbie but I will practice a lot and read a lot of tutorials to hone my "skills" and I know in time I will be very good at it. By the way, who amongst you know a very good tutorial site that I can visit? I really need to read a lot. Does anyone here have a group that I can join to wherein they meet and shoot and teach and discuss? I am so excited to meet up with you guys and learn from you and of course have fun shooting with people of the same hobby as I do. Hope you'll critique these three photos I've taken.

Henry's: 733-7723, 735-7989, 735-5099 and look for Nick or Henry but if you are bisaya you may look for Nelia (bisaya ni siya).
Watson: 733-7697 and look for the white-haired chinese guy.
Mayer: 733-7722 and look for Mang Ramon.